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The day is hot and sunny.
I see vendors with their fruit carts calling out to people to buy their products.
I see people talking to each other in different languages trying to understand each other and communicate.
On the sides of the bustling streets in South India, seeing fruit and vegetable vendors is not an uncommon sight. However, being a street vendor is not easy.
Who is our target audience?
Street vendors in Bangalore who sell fruit, vegetables and flowers, and working professionals living in the vicinity.
The day is hot and sunny.
I see vendors with their fruit carts calling out to people to buy their products.
I see people talking to each other in different languages trying to understand each other and communicate.
On the sides of the bustling streets in South India, seeing fruit and vegetable vendors is not an uncommon sight. However, being a street vendor is not easy.
Who is our target audience?
Street vendors in Bangalore who sell fruit, vegetables and flowers, and working professionals living in the vicinity.
On the sides of the bustling streets in South India, seeing fruit and vegetable vendors is not an uncommon sight. However, these vendors face a lot of difficulties - unable to sell their produce, don’t know where the demand lies and dealing with language barriers.
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